Campaign Manager - Settings

Applying Engine row and column permissions

The Engine tab allows an Engine User to be mapped to a Campaign Manager User.

Multiple Campaign Manager Users can be mapped to a single Engine User. Mapping Engine users to Campaign Manager Users allows an administrator to apply the same data access permissions in both systems.

Before mapping a User, make sure the Engine user has their Max Connections set to 255. See the Management Console Guide section of the Engine Help for more information on creating Engine users.


  1. Select the Engine tab.
  2. Click Edit.
  3. Click on the drop-down arrow in the Engine User column to select the Engine user.
  4. Click Save.

The datasource name column refers to the Engine Datasource configured in the Data Sources area. See Adding an Engine Datasource for further information.

Note: If the security filter content is changed but the name of the filter retained then the columns previously engineered by users in that Engine Security Group will be invalid, but Campaign Manager will not detect this.

To delete a Security Group in AMC, ensure that any users are unassigned before deleting the Group. Failure to do this will show a user as still being a member of that Group even though it no longer exists, which in turn causes an error in Campaign Manager as it assumes that a Group must exist for a user to belong to it.

Should the user try to open a document in Campaign Manager that includes columns and rows they do not have permissions to view they will see the following screen:

The restrictions that prevent them from opening this document can be seen in the System Log.

Note: Only log records relating to the Client, the Admin User belongs to are displayed. If 'Clear Log' is selected, only records related to that Client are cleared.
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